The LCM is 255. The GCF is 17.
The LCM is: 27,720The GCF is: 11
The GCF of 11 and 17 is 1!
GCF: 1 LCM: 187
The LCM is 374.
11 and 11
Since 65 is a factor of 520, it is automatically the GCF.
11 is the GCF. The LCM is 660.
33 and 77 have a GCF of 11 and an LCM of 231.
The GCF of 2, 9 and 11 is 1. The LCM is 198.
The GCF of 242 and 2123 is 11.
The greatest common factor of the numbers 16, 40 and 88 is 8.