The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 242 88 is 968.
The LCM is 76230.
The LCM is 4840.
For the values: 264, 242 the LCM is: 2,904
The LCM is 88.
The GCF of 242 and 2123 is 11.
The LCM is: 242
The LCM is 88.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 88 11 is 88.
The first step in finding an LCM is to split the numbers into their prime factors. In this case we have: 244 = 2x2x61 88 = 2x2x2x11 The next step is to cross off any duplicates for common prime factors. In this case, both numbers have two 2s as prime factors. Crossing the duplicates off leaves us with 2, 2, 2, 11 and 61. Multiply these together and we get 5,368 And thus the LCM of 244 and 88 is 5,368
The LCM is 88.
The LCM is 88.