LCM of 102 and 68 is 204.
Write the numbers in prime factorisation in power form; for the LCM multiply together the highest power of each prime across the numbers:
102 = 2 x 3 x 17
68 = 22 x 17
LCM = 22 x 3 x 17 = 204
LCM(68, 102) = 204 HCF(68, 102) = 34
The LCM is 102.
The GCF is 68, the LCM is 68
Since 17 is a factor of 68, their LCM is 68
The LCM of 102 and 184 is: 9,384
LCM(68, 102) = 204 HCF(68, 102) = 34
HCF of 17 and 68 is 17 ..( Lowest Prime factor ) LCM Of 102 and 476 is 7*2^2*3*17 which is 1428 .. ==> Sum of HCF and LCM are 1428+17= 1445 .
The LCM is 102.
The GCF is 68, the LCM is 68
The LCM is 408.
Since 17 is a factor of 68, their LCM is 68
The LCM of 102 and 184 is: 9,384
The LCM is: 102
102 because they have no common factors we multiply them.
The LCM is 612.
The LCM is 816.
LCM of 51 and 68 is 204.