LCM of 18 and 84 is 252.
The LCM is 252.
The LCM is 252.
The LCM is 9324.
The LCM is 252.
The least common multiple is the smallest number of two or more numbers. 36: 36, 72, 108, 144, 180, 216, 252 42: 42, 84, 126, 168, 210, 252 The LCM of 36 and 42 is 252.
LCM of 252 and 45 is 1260.
The LCM of 252 and 540 is 3,780.
LCM of 180 252 is 1260.
252 is the LCM.
The greatest common factor of 108 and 252 is 36.