The LCM is 3960.
The LCM is 2520.
The LCM is: 180
The LCM is 1260.
The LCM of 36, 40, and 48 is 720.
The LCM is 1440.
The LCM is 120.
For 36, 25, 15, 2 the LCM is: 900
The LCM is 600.
180 is the LCM of 36 and 15. 180 = 5 x 36 = 12 x 15
Well to figure out what the least common factor for 36 and 40 is to figure out the multiples for 36 and 40. Then figure a multiple that both 36 and 40 have the least value. I know you probably don't care of what I just typed so here's the answer. The LCM for 36 and 40 is 1.