The LCM of the given numbers is the product of all different prime factors to their greatest power. If there are no exponents, the greatest power of the prime factors is 1 and each different prime factor is used in the multiplication:
prime factors of 15 are 3 x 5;
prime factors of 21 are 3 x 7;
the LCM of 15 and 21 is 3 x 5 x 7 = 105
42=2x21 21=3x7 PF=2x3x7 The PF (Prime Factorization) of 42 is 2x3x7.(Sorry, I couldn't do a factor tree, there are always helpful to use when doing prime factorization, but since this is the computer, I could only do it like the following above.)
21 is a composite number, not a prime, having prime factors 3x7.
23 Prime numbers are odd numbers and 21=3x7
21 = 3x7 ... not prime. 22 = 2x11 ... not prime. 23 is prime. 23.
21 = 3x7, and so is not prime, as it can be expressed as the product of multiple prime numbers
The prime factorization for 21 is 3x7.
42=2x21 21=3x7 PF=2x3x7 The PF (Prime Factorization) of 42 is 2x3x7.(Sorry, I couldn't do a factor tree, there are always helpful to use when doing prime factorization, but since this is the computer, I could only do it like the following above.)
21 is a composite number, not a prime, having prime factors 3x7.
3x7=21 3 and 7 are prime numbers, so 3x7 is the factor tree of the number 21.
23 Prime numbers are odd numbers and 21=3x7
21 = 3x7 ... not prime. 22 = 2x11 ... not prime. 23 is prime. 23.
21 = 3x7, and so is not prime, as it can be expressed as the product of multiple prime numbers
To find 6x7 using 3x7, you can simply double the result of 3x7. This is because multiplication is distributive over addition, meaning that multiplying a number by a sum is the same as multiplying the number by each addend and then adding the products. In this case, 6x7 can be thought of as (3+3)x7, which equals 3x7 + 3x7, or 21 + 21, which equals 42.
21 isn't a prime number because it has more factors than just itself and 1 3x7=21 21x1=21
21 = 3x7 23 = prime 25 = 5x5 27 = 3x9 29 = prime 31 = prime 33 = 3x11 35 = 5x7 37 = prime 39 = 3x13
3x7 = 21