To find the LCM of a set of numbers you first need to break those numbers down into their prime factors. In this case:
980 = 2x2x5x7x7
100 = 2x2x5x5
2450 = 2x5x5x7x7
140 = 2x2x5x7
The next step is to identify any common prime factors between the numbers, and only count them once. In this case, all numbers contain one 2 and one 5, so 3 of each can be dismissed. Two numbers also contain a second 5 so one of these can be dismissed. Three numbers contain a second 2 so 2 of these can be dismissed. 3 numbers contain a 7, so 2 of these can be dismissed, and two numbers contain a second 7 so 1 of these can be dismissed.
We are left with:
Multiplying these together we get 4,900
So the LCM of 980, 100, 2450 and 140 is 4,900
It is 1950. 390 x 5 = 1950 650 x 3 = 1950
The LCM is 980.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 70 136 is 4,760.
The LCM is: 980
The LCM of 960, 1600 is 4800.
The LCM is 700.
The LCM (lowest common multiple) of 40, 100, 140 is 1400.
The LCM of 49 and 50 is 2,450.
The LCM is: 3,920
First we will find LCM for first two numbers (28 and 35).Step 1: Find the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of 28 and 35 which is 7.Step 2: Multiply the numbers 28 and 35 together (28 * 35 = 980)Step 3: Divide the 980 with 7. (980/7 = 140)So, the LCM of 28 and 35 is 140.Now we will find the LCM of above result (140) and third number (21) using the same procedure.The LCM of 28, 35 and 21 is 420.