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Q: What is the Measure of the degree of variation among a set of events?
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What is a variation?

the tendency among similar organism to differ from each other to some degree.. The official definition for the word variation is "a change or difference in condition, amount, or level, typically with certain limits."

Is sociopath a reason for collecting disability?

No, as it does not affect the ability to work effectively to a degree that is significantly more than natural variation among healthy individuals.

What is the importance of variation in organism?

Variation is important among organisms for us to indicate which is which :))

What is variation among members of the same species called?

Variation among members of the same species is called genetic diversity. This diversity arises from differences in genetic makeup, leading to variations in traits such as physical appearance, behavior, and susceptibility to diseases. Genetic diversity is important for a species' ability to adapt to changing environments and to evolve over time.

What are the islands where Charles Darwin observed variation among organisms?

Galapagos Islands are the islands where Charles Darwin observed variation among organisms.

What is the slight difference among objects or organisms that are the same basic type?


How does crossing over assist with variation among species?


Variation among pre-cells was due to?

Variation among pre-cells was likely due to differences in chemical composition, size, structure, or environmental conditions. These variations could have influenced the ability of pre-cells to adapt and survive in different environments, leading to natural selection and evolution.

What is gametoclonal variation?

Gametoclonal variation refers to genetic variation that arises from the in vitro culture of gametes, which are reproductive cells such as sperm and egg cells. This variation can result from mutations or rearrangements of the genetic material during cell division in the cultured gametes, leading to new genetic combinations. Gametoclonal variation can be used in plant breeding to generate novel traits or genetic diversity.

What is the definition for variation?

Variation refers to the degree of difference or diversity among individuals within a population or species. It can involve differences in traits, characteristics, or behaviors, which can be shaped by genetic, environmental, and other factors. Studying variation is important in understanding evolution, adaptation, and biodiversity.

What causes variation within societies?

Variation within societies can be caused by factors such as individual differences, cultural diversity, socioeconomic disparities, and historical events. These factors can lead to differences in beliefs, values, behaviors, and opportunities among members of a society.

What is the Difference among individuals in a population called?

genetic variation