The most common Basketball injury is a sprain in the ankle.
A sprained ankle
Damage to the lungs
a scar
24 that is biased i bet your a laker fan because its just kobe;s number the actual one is 1
Facial synkinesis can follow any injury or condition causing palsy or paralysis of the facial nerve. The most common associated disorder is Bell's palsy.
Most common is the thing that happens most, and least common is the least ocuring thing. For example it is most common to open chess with middle pawn forward. And it is least common to move one of the far pawns first.
The most common shot in basketball is a layup.
the most common injury is genital warts.
The most common type of injury in the United States is a sprain.
The most common type of injury in the United States is a sprain.
the most common injury during se is scratches down the back
Most common injury for tetanus is that you get a pain in your jaw or also called lockjaw.
the lungs and chest area is where most of the injury is done!!
Whiplash resulting from car accidents tends to be the most common form of injury resulting in injury claims. Workplace injuries and faulty products account for the next most common claims.
The most common breakages are the shoulder and the pelvis.
Pain is the most common symptom of injury and disease, and descriptions can range in intensity from a mere ache to unbearable agony.