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Q: What is the Order of a coordinate?
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The convention for the Cartesian coordinate system is, the first number is the x coordinate, and the second number is the y coordinate. That's the order.

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this is when prices give information to all traders int he market in order for them to coordinate their economic activies and plans

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What does co-ordenat mean?

I think the word that you're looking for is coordinate. that can either mean a coordinate, like, a plot on a graph (co-ordinet) or coordinate, to align or order something, to allocate positions in a team, something like that (co-ordinate) Hope this helps... =)

What does 'coordinate' mean?

To bring things into proper order, to organise things of equal rank and importance

What is it called when a day is added to a year in order for our calendars to coordinate with the earth's orbit?

Leap year.

What does mean Coordinate?

To bring things into proper order, to organise things of equal rank and importance

Is the difference in the y coordinate?

For two points, take the y coordinate of the second one (in some arbitrary order) and subtract the y coordinate of the first one. Its possible they want the answer to be positive, so if its negative multiply by -1. A bit more context would help though...

What is the difference in the y coordinate?

For two points, take the y coordinate of the second one (in some arbitrary order) and subtract the y coordinate of the first one. Its possible they want the answer to be positive, so if its negative multiply by -1. A bit more context would help though...

What is hierarchy in math?

It is an order which may be implied by definitions or by the number themselves. For example, BIDMAS (or PEMDAS for the US) is a definitional hierarchy. The coordinates of a point is a definitional one: the X coordinate (abscissa) comes first, then the Y coordinate (ordinate). If the space is of three or more dimensions, the Z-coordinate follows and then w, and so on.Numerical hierarchy is simply putting the numbers in order of size.