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Q: What is the Problem of the one and the many?
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One to a customer. If you have none or more tha one, you have a real problem.

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Many ways - learn what the problem is (if there is one) then try and solve it.

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There are many problems that Samantha faces throughout the book, but there is one main problem. That problem is that the president's son is in love with her.

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I'm having the same problem!

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The problem of racism doesn't just fall on the shoulders of one race or color; it is racial issues that is the problem, and racial issues are brought on by many different people of different backgrounds and heritages.

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There are infinitely many possible answers. One such is 530*0.1

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The region of Louisiana failed to attract many people.

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That really depends on the type of problem, but quite often, there is more than one correct way of solving a problem.

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Many, many ways for some problems, only a few for some and rarely just one way.

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There are infinitely many possible answers. 1 + 121 is one possible answer.

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Many Christians think that this is bad.I personally don't think there is a problem with that; which is one thing (one of MANY things) I don't like about Christianity.