As a Roman numeral 45 is XLV
The Roman numeral XLV represents the number 45.
'xlv' IS the roman numeral. The modern numbering system will show it as 45.
45 but under today's notation of Roman numerals it is written out as XLV
As a Roman numeral 45 is XLV
The Roman numeral XLV represents the number 45.
'xlv' IS the roman numeral. The modern numbering system will show it as 45.
45 but under today's notation of Roman numerals it is written out as XLV
The Romans themselves would have probably notated 45 as VL but the rules governing today's Roman numeral system, which were introduced during the Middle Ages, gives 45 as XLV in Roman numerals.
(XLV) = 1,000*45 = 45,000
45 000 = XLVImproved Answer:-It is: (XLV) which means 1000*45 = 45,000
145Improved Answer:-It is: XLV = 45
XLV = 45 Added: True, but not explanatory. X = 10 L = 50 V = 5 This is the clumsy Roman numeral way to say 45. 10 subtracted from 55 = 45. Not handy! That is why Arabic numerals were accepted so quickly.
Oh, isn't that a happy little question! In Roman numerals, "LVL" is not a valid representation. Roman numerals typically consist of seven symbols: I, V, X, L, C, D, and M. If you need help with any other Roman numeral, feel free to ask!