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history of transition graph

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Q: What is the Transition graph and generalize transition graph?
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What is the difference between transition graph and generalized transition graph?

A generalized transition graph is a transition graph whose edges are labeled with regular expressions; otherwise it is same as the usual transition graph. source: Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata by Peter Linz , Regular expressions and regular languages, page 81

Which energy graph represents the nonspontaneous transition?

The energy graph that represents the nonspontaneous transition is the one that shows an increase in energy over time, indicating that energy input is required for the transition to occur.

What is difference between finite state automaton and transition graph?

finite automata

What is the name for a slide to the left or right up or down on a graph called?

I believe it's a transition.

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What has the author Gerald Turley written?

Gerald Turley has written: 'Transition, Taxation And the State (Transition and Development) (Transition and Development) (Transition and Development)'

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What is the suffix for transition?

the suffix for transition is ition or tion, I am not entirely sure.

Is Plantinum Pt Alkali Alkaline-Earth Or Transition?

Platinum is a transition metal. It is in the d block.

What does the transition zone do?

Biomes' are not separated with a distinct line, they transition into one another. This transition is the transitional zone.

Is gold a transition or a alkali metal?

Transition metal