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Consensus, is a shared agreement. It seeks to maximize agreement. Consent based decision making seeks to reveal and address dissent, but specifically requires that dissent be rooted in experience, proven instinct, or specialized knowledge. It is usually the better choice.

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Q: What is the What is the difference between consent and consensus?
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what does the word consensus mean?

Consent is a noun (the consent) and a verb (to consent).

Latin word consensus in English?

Agreement, consent, unanimity.

What does the consesus term mean?

Consensus means consent in Latin.

What is the difference between conflict and consensus?

Consensus is defined as broad unanimity, general or widespread agreement among all the members of a group.Conflict is defined as a struggle or clash between opposing forces.

What has the author Percy Herbert Partridge written?

Percy Herbert Partridge has written: 'Consent and censensus' -- subject(s): Democracy, Political science 'Consent and consensus' -- subject(s): Consensus (Social sciences)

What is 'consensus building'?

Consensus building is the process by which negotiations happen to come to a collective decision (an agreement) to do something. The word "consensus" derives form the word "consent" which means to "agree to".

What is the difference between express and tacit consent?

Express consent is when you actively go for consent.Tacit consent is when you passively accept consent.Added: To be more precise with the definition:Express consent is when you actively agree (either by voice or in writing) that you are in accord with a certain course of action.Tacit consent is assumed when you don't actually state your agreement, but raise no objection (in voice or in writing) to a certain course of action (i.e.; by standing 'mute).

What is the difference between the age of consent and the legal age?

Age of consent is the age you can give legal consent to have sex. Sometimes it is 16 but it can also be 18 and then coincide with the legal age, age of majority, which is when you legally become an adult.

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cosensus is a sequens whis is present as functionl gene and conserved is a repeated sequense whithout any chang

What is cultural consensus?

cultural consensus is the state of mind that believed that there is no absolutism, and there is no separation between matter and mind.

Different between written and unwritten const?

The difference between written and unwritten consent is that one is actually written down on paper, and the other is an oral agreement.

Does age difference matter if you are the legal age of consent in Alabama?

No, as long as both parties are over the age of consent, the difference in ages does not matter.