Yes, abbr is the abbreviation of the word abbreviation or abbreviate.
the mean is important in statistics because you will find out your average and can compare that mean to other things..
"adj" is the abbreviation used for the word "adjective".
Statistic is singular; statistics is plural. Statistic is a single data point. Statistics is the study of collections of related data points.
stat is an abbreviation for statistique, (statistical / statistics)
an abbreviation of statistics
d bar, d with a bar over it
What is the difference between statistics and parameter
caught stealing
The abbreviation of potential difference is V, which stands for voltage.
Yes, abbr is the abbreviation of the word abbreviation or abbreviate.
The medical abbreviation "Rd" can refer to "registered dietitian," a healthcare professional specializing in nutrition and dietetics. It can also stand for "right eye, days."
In statistics, this is the symbol for the "Variance"
The abbreviation of NO i believe is New Orleans
Max is an abbreviation for maximum.
RR could be an abbreviation for many things some of which include, Recurring Revenue (business), Risk Ratio or Relative Risk (statistics) and Respiratory Rate (medicine).