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Q: What is the abbreviation for numbers Ten One Tenth Hundredth Thousandth Millionth Billionth Ten Billionth?
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The prefix nano stands for?

The prefix "nano" = 1/1,000,000,000 indicates 10^-9 or a billionth.

What is billionth and millionth?

billionth is 1,000,000,000 millionth is 1000000

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What are 2 units smaller than milli?

"milli-" = 1/1,000 (thousandth) "micro-" = 1/1,000,000 (millionth) "nano-" = 1/1,000,000,000 (billionth) "pico-" = 1/1,000,000,000,000 (millionth of a millionth, "micro micro-")

What are the place values in decimals?

.1 tenth .01 hundredth .001 thousandth .0001 ten-thousandth .00001 hundred- thousandth .000001 millionth so on and so forth

How do you spell out decimals?

The decimal parts are the same as the ordinal words for values of 10. 1/10 = one tenth 2/10 = two tenths 1/100 = one hundredth 2/100 = two hundredths 1/1000 = one thousandth 2/1000 = two thousandths Similarly, the smaller parts are: ten-thousandth hundred-thousandth millionth ten-millionth hundred-millionth billionth In the US, both the numerators 21 to 99 and the parts are hyphenated. Example: 23/5000 would be twenty-three five-thousandths.

Is a nanosecond one millionth of a second?

No, a nanosecond is one billionth of a second, not one millionth.

What would 0.056263 round to?

To the nearest tenth: 0.1 To the nearest hundredth: 0.06 To the nearest thousandth: 0.056 To the nearest ten thousandth: 0.0563 To the nearest hundred thousandth: 0.05626 To the nearest millionth: 0.056263

How long does nanosecond last a millionth of a second or a billionth of a second?

How long does a nanosecond last, a millionth of a second or a billionth of a second?A nanosecond lasts a billionth of a second.

What is the one thousandth of one millimeter?

A 'micrometer' is a unit of length equal to one thousandth (10 -3) of a millimeter or one millionth (10 -6) of a meter. [For your information, - A 'nanometer' is a unit of length equal one thousandth (10 -3) of a micrometer, one millionth (10 -6) of a millimeter or to one billionth (10−9) of a meter].

What is the decimal 00001 in words?

Tenth = 0.1 Hundredth = 0.01 Thousandth = 0.001 Ten-Thousandth = 0.0001 Hundred-Thousandth = 0.00001 Millionth = 0.000001

What is less than milliseconds?

it is Millisecond(One thousandth of a second) Microsecond(One millionth of a second) Nanosecond(One billionth of a second) Picosecond(One trillionth of a second)