One can abbreviate the word "abbreviated" by either by abbr. or abbrev.
Word is the abbreviation 4 word
Some one save
Yes, the word abbreviation is a noun, a word for a thing.
There is no specific word abbreviation.
Abbreviation is stressed on the fourth syllable.
The word for one-fourth is a quarter.
"Quarter" is a word meaning one fourth.
There is one abbreviation for the word appreciation. The abbreviation of appr'n is used primary in the business area.
expect? that isn't an abbreviation, nor does the word have one. sorry.
One can abbreviate the word "abbreviated" by either by abbr. or abbrev.
The abbreviation for the word "customer" is "cust."
There isn't an abbreviation for the word investigator. There is one however an abbreviation for the term private investigator. That abbreviation is PI.
there isn't one
there isn't one
WORD: incorporation ABBREVIATION: inc. WORD: avenue ABBREVIATION: ave. WORD: doctor ABBREVIATION: Dr. WORD: community ABBREVIATION: com. WORD: organization ABBREVIATION: org. WORD: abbreviation ABBREVIATION: abbr.
one eighth two eighths make one fourth