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Q: What is the ability to consistently repeat a measurement?
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What is the ability of a measurement to be reproduced consistantly?

The ability of a measurement to be reproduced consistently is called reliability. It refers to the degree to which the measurement yields similar results when repeated under the same conditions. Reliability is crucial for ensuring the accuracy and validity of research findings.

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A measurement of something's ability to do work?

The measurement of one's ability to do work, in scientific terms, is energy.

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What are the methods of minimizing the effects of errors in measurement?

Always repeat the measurement for reliability . Measurement should always be seen up front and not sideways. Use a new scale for better readings.

What is a problem that consistently interferes with one's ability to complete the sexual response cycle?

Performance anxiety is a common problem that interferes with completing the sexual response cycle. It can create mental blocks that impact arousal and prevent the individual from reaching satisfaction. Addressing underlying issues and building confidence can help overcome this barrier.

The ability to consistently meet deadlines is an example of a(n) .?

time management

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The coach is trenchant.

Where a measure of how consistently a result is determined by repeated evaluations is called?

The measure of how consistently a result is determined by repeated evaluations is called reliability. It assesses the dependability and stability of a measurement tool in producing consistent results over time.

Describe two ways to check the reliability of a measurement?

One way is to repeat the measurement several times. A reliable measurement will give about the same results every time. The second way is to test it against a standard.

Which is the ability to repeat muscle movement over period of time?

Muscular strength

What a marksman's forte?

Ability to hit what one aims for..............and repeat similar shots with consistency.