Absolute value means "how far is it from zero on the number line".
Absolute value of 12 is 12.
Absolute value of 12 is 12.
The two numbers with an absolute value of 12 are -12 and 12.
What is the value of (12)3+0.2×4?
It is -12.
Absolute value of 12 is 12.
Absolute value of 12 is 12.
Absolute value of -12 is 12.
12 is, and it's also the absolute value of -12 .
It has the value 12. If you are talking about time, as in 12:35, it is 12 hours.
The two numbers with an absolute value of 12 are -12 and 12.
What is the value of (12)3+0.2×4?
12 is.
It is -12.