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What is the abs value of X plus 2 less than 9?

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Q: What is the abs value of X plus 2 less than 9?
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What is the difference between a positive and negative fraction?

If you mean the difference in terms of numerical value, then it is the positive faction minus the negative faction, which is calculated as the positive fraction plus the absolute value* of the negative fraction - just like the difference between a positive and negative number. * The absolute value of a number is the value of the number ignoring any minus sign; eg abs(-4) = 4 = abs(4). If you mean the difference in terms of where they are on the number line, then the positive fraction is one side of zero (it is greater than zero) and the negative fraction is the other side of zero (it is less than zero).

What is negative 6 plus the absolute value of negative 11?

-6 + abs(-11) = -6 + 11 = 5

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abs(n - 6) < 9.

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ax + b = 15 or ax + b = -15

Why For x less than 0 the absolute value of x equals negative x please explain?

That is how the absolute value is defined. For x < 0 the value of x is negative (by definition). Therefore, the value of negative x is positive (negative of a negative). So abs(x) = -x when x < 0

When will a lesser number also have a lesser absolute value?

When the second number is positive and has an absolute value that is bigger. Suppose x is the first number and y the second. Then x is smaller than y implies that if x is non-negative then y is larger, and if x is negative then y is less negative (nearer 0), 0 or positive In the first case, abs(x) < abs(y), that is 0 <= x < y In the second case, abs(x) < abs(y) if 0 < -x < y.

What would be a formula for absolute value in excel?

Use the function ABS. =ABS(-11) returns the value 11.

How do you insert absolute value equations into the TI-83 plus?

Use the abs( function. To get to it, press MATH, scroll over to NUM on the top, and choose abs(. Put what is in between the absolute value bars in parenthesis. For example |X+3| would be abs(x+3). Another example: 3|X-2| + 5 would be 3abs(X-2)+5.

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The absolute value (ABS) of any negative number is its positive equivalent. Therefore, ABS(-625) = 625.

Do you put an absolute value sign for a variable if there is still a value under the radical?

No, you do not use the absolute value sign for a variable if there is still a value under the radical. The absolute value sign is used to indicate the distance of a real number from zero, and it is not typically used when manipulating radical expressions.

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How can we use the ABS function in Excel?

ABS returns the absolute value, so you use it any time you want to view or calculate with the absolute value.