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Q: What is the absolute value of integer plus 6?
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If you know that the absolute value of an integer is 6 what are the possible value of that integer?

positive 6 and negative 6. - 6 + 6

Is the absolute value of every integer its opposite?

No. The absolute simply returs the positive of any integer. ABS(6) = 6 and ABS(-6) = 6.

What is the absolute value of -6 plus 5?

Absolute value of -6+5 is 1.

What is the absolute value of -2 plus absolute value of 6?


Why is an integer sometimes less than its opposite?

An integer can be negative or positive, so if the integer is, let's say, -6. The opposite, or absolute value, of -6, is 6. So in this case, the opposite has more value than the actual integer. Does that answer the question? :D Best of luck, BrandonRocker98

Does the absolute value of six have the same value?

|6| = 6 (The absolute value of 6 is 6, the same number you started with.) 6 = 6 (The absolute value of the absolute value of 6 is 6.)

What is negative 6 plus the absolute value of negative 11?

-6 + abs(-11) = -6 + 11 = 5

How do you get your answer for absolute value?

absolute value is always a positive value ... Abs value | -6 | = 6 | 6 | = 6

Can two different numbers have the same absolute value?

Yes... that is, if one is the opposite of the other. For example: The absolute value of 6 is 6. The absolute value of -6 is 6. The absolute value is just the units a number is away from its orgin.

What is the absolute value of -6?


What is the value of x squared -16 plus 64 when x is an integer from 1 to 6?

go out and buy a calculator

Is the absolute value of -6 6?

Yes, the absolute value of -6 is 6. |-6| = 6. On the other hand, -|6| = -6.