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Acceleration = force/mass:

14.4 / 3 = acceleration of 4.8meters per second squared.

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Q: What is the acceleration of a 3 kg mass if a force of 14.4 N is used to move the mass?
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What is the formula for calculating kilo newton?

Based on what information? A commonly used formula is force = mass x acceleration.

Which equation can be used to solve for the mass of the object?

Thanks to Isaac Newton's Second Law of Motion, one can determine the mass of an object if he or she knows both the force acting upon the object and the acceleration of the object. Newton's equation is as follows: F = ma; where "F" is the force acting upon the object, "m" is the mass of the object. and "a" is the acceleration of the object. Solving for "m", the equation can be rewritten as: m = F/m. Substitute force for "F", and acceleration for "a", and you can solve for the mass of the object.

How do you convert from mass to distance?

With extreme difficultly as they measure different things: mass is a measure of how much something weighs*, whereas length is a measure of distance. * Actually weight is the force on a mass due to acceleration and is measured in Newtons. However, weight and mass are often, incorrectly, used interchangeably and I cannot think of a better word to describe mass. To further muddy the waters, mass and distance ARE related by energy and acceleration: energy = (mass × acceleration) × distance which can be rearranged to distance = energy ÷ (mass × acceleration) So for an object given a mass, an acceleration (on earth acceleration due to gravity is a good one) and an amount of energy put in, the distance the object is moved (by that energy [in acting as a force]) can be calculated.

What formula is used in Archimedes' principle?

Archimedes principle - weight of the liquid displaced by the object= buoyant force weight=mass x acceleration due to gravity =volume x density x acceleration due to gravity

What is the formula used to calculate the weight of an object if you are given the mass in kilograms?

Mass is a property of matter and is therefore a constant. Weight however can change, it is the force exerted by that mass in a gravity field. Thus in different gravity fields a constant mass will weigh differently. Weight = Mass * the acceleration of gravity.

Related questions

What is the formula in soling force?

The formula for calculating force in physics is: Force (F) = mass (m) x acceleration (a). This formula is used to determine the force required to move an object with a certain mass at a specific acceleration.

What is the formula used in measuring force?

The formula used to calculate force is: Force = mass x acceleration. This formula describes how a force is generated when an object with mass is accelerated.

Which formula is used to calculate the mass of an object if the force and acceleration are known?

The formula used to calculate the mass of an object when force and acceleration are known is given by Newton's second law of motion: mass = force / acceleration. This formula states that the mass of an object is equal to the force acting on it divided by the acceleration produced.

Why is mass and acceleration used to measure the magnitude of a force?

Mass and acceleration are used to measure the magnitude of a force because force is directly proportional to both mass and acceleration according to Newton's second law of motion, F = m*a. By using mass to quantify the inertia of an object and acceleration to quantify the rate of change in its velocity, we can determine the strength of the force acting on the object.

What is the most commonly used formula used to calculate mass?

mass = volume x density mass = force / acceleration mass = work / (acceleration x distance)

What is the formula used to find force?

Force equals mass times acceleration.

What formula is used to find force?

Force equals mass times acceleration.

Mass X Acceleration is used to calculate what?

Force----------------------------------------------The above is correct Force = mass * accelerationbut note that momentum = mass * velocity

If the mass of an object is increased with no change in the force applied what will be the difference in its acceleration?

What you are wanting to know is found in Newton's Second Law. The equation used is Acceleration = (Net force)/(Mass) or Force equals mass times acceleration; [F = m * a] So, if the mass is increased but the force remains constant, then the acceleration will decrease. (For the same force applied, larger masses experience less acceleration than smaller masses.)

A force is used to produce an acceleration on mass?

Yes. F = ma.

What equation is used to represent newtons second law of motion?

The equation used to represent Newton's second law of motion is F = ma, where F is the force acting on an object, m is the mass of the object, and a is the acceleration of the object. This equation states that the force acting on an object is proportional to the mass of the object and the acceleration produced.

Is force unit of mass?

Force can be used to calculate mass if you also have the acceleration. Units of Force are called Newtown, N. Mass uses grams,kilograms,etc.