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If an object is traveling at a constant velocity, its acceleration is 0. Even if it traveled for 2 years.

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Q: What is the acceleration of a ball that is traveling at a constant velocity of fifty miles and has been traveling for over 2 minutes?
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When a ball is traveling at a constant velocity of 50 ms and has been traveling for over 2 minutes what is the balls acceleration?

If the ball is traveling at a constant velocity of 50 m/s, then its acceleration is 0 m/s^2. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so if the velocity is constant, there is no change in velocity, and therefore no acceleration.

What is the acceleration of a ball that is traveling at a constant velocity of 50 meters per second and has been traveling for 2 minutes?

zero - it is constat velocity. so acceleration is zero50 m/s2 Another : The acceleration is ZERO. Acceleration is defined as the change in velocity per unit time. If the ball is traveling a constant velocity over a two minute period, the acceleration would be zero since there is no change in velocity.

The velocity of a body was noted to be constant during five minutes of its motion What was its acceleration during this interval?

The acceleration of the body was zero during this interval because its velocity was constant. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so if the velocity does not change, the acceleration is zero.

If an object travels for 15 minutes at a constant velocity of 12 miles per hour west what is its acceleration?

The acceleration is zero since the object is moving at a constant velocity. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, and in this case, the velocity is not changing.

What would be the acceleration of a object that is moving with a constant velocity of 0.25 minutes to the right?

1). If neither speed nor direction are changing, then acceleration is zero.2). "minutes" is not a unit of velocity, but we get the idea

What is the Acceleration of a car traveling at a constant speed of 60 miles per hour for 30 minutes?

As long as the 30 minute are spent driving in a straight line, the acceleration is zero.

If a car is traveling at a constant speed of 60 miles per hour for 30 minutes what is the acceleration?

Constant speed (in a straight line) means there is no acceleration.Constant speed (in a straight line) means there is no acceleration.Constant speed (in a straight line) means there is no acceleration.Constant speed (in a straight line) means there is no acceleration.

What is the difference between constant velocity and average velocity?

Constant velocity means the object is moving at a consistent speed in a straight line with no change in direction. Average velocity, on the other hand, takes into account changes in velocity over a given time interval and is calculated as the total displacement divided by the total time elapsed.

How much time does it take to travel 200000km traveling at a constant acceleration of one gravity?

s= .5gt^2 give t = sqrt(400Mm/9.8) =6388.76 secs or 106.479 minutes or 1.7746 hours..

How many minutes will it take you to travel 23 miles?

It depends how fast you are traveling. if there is no acceleration, use time= distance/speed. for linear acceleration google SUVAT equations.

If a car is traveling 100 km h and comes to a stop in 3 min what is the car's acceleration?

The car's acceleration can be calculated using the formula: acceleration = change in velocity / time taken. In this case, the car goes from traveling at 100 km/h to a stop, so the change in velocity is -100 km/h. Converting 3 minutes to hours (3/60 = 0.05 hours), the acceleration would be -100 km/h / 0.05 hours = -2000 km/h^2.

How A speed boat moving at a velocity of 25 ms runs out of gas and drifts to a stop 3 minutes later 100 meters away. What is its rate of deceleration?

To find the rate of deceleration, we first need to convert the time from minutes to seconds. 3 minutes = 180 seconds. Next, we use the equation of motion: final velocity^2 = initial velocity^2 + 2 * acceleration * distance. Since the boat comes to a stop, the final velocity is 0 m/s. Substituting the values and solving for acceleration, we get a deceleration rate of 0.139 m/s^2.