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60/5 = 12 miles per second2

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Q: What is the acceleration of a car if it goes from 0 to 60 in 5 seconds?
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What is your acceleration if your car goes from 60 miles per hour to 0 in 3 seconds?

Acceleration = -20 mi/h^2

What is the average acceleration of a car that goes from 0 to 60 mphs in 6.2 seconds?

14.19 feet per second2 (rounded)

What is the average acceleration of a care that goes from rest to 60 mph in 7 seconds in feet per second?

the car goes from 0 miles in an hour to 60 miles in an hour over 7 seconds this can be changed to minuets (60 minuets in an hour) the car goes from 0 miles in a minuet to 1 mile in a minuet over 7 seconds this can be changed to seconds (60 seconds in a minuet) the car goes from 0 miles in a second to 1/60 miles in a minuet over 7 seconds which then can be changed to feet (5280 feet in a mile) the car goes from 0 feet in a second to 5280/60 feet in a second over 7 seconds this can be simplified the car goes from 0 feet in a second to 88 feet in a second over 7 seconds now lets divide everything by 7 the car goes from 0 feet in a second to 12.57 feet in a second over 1 seconds so are answer is... the car accelerate from 0 to 12.57 feet per second in 1 second

What is the acceleration of a car traveling from 0 to 60 miles in 4 seconds?

There is no acceleration if the car is travelling at a steady 54,000 miles per hour.

What has more acceleration a car going from 60 to 65 in 2 seconds or a bike going from rest to 5?

if the bike goes from 0-5 in the same amount of time (2 seconds) then they are accelerating at the same rate.

If an object goes from 60 mph to 10 mph in 5 seconds what is its acceleration?

-10 mph/sec

What car has the fastest acceleration in the world?

The car with the world's fastest acceleration time from 0-60 mph or 0-100kph is the Ariel Atom V8 with a time of 2.3 seconds.

A car accelerates from a standstill to 60 kmhr in 10 seconds What is its acceleration?

The acceleration of the car can be calculated using the formula: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time. Converting the initial velocity of 0 km/hr to m/s and final velocity of 60 km/hr to m/s, and plugging in the values, we get the acceleration to be 2 m/s^2.

If a car goes 8 miles in 60 seconds how far does it go in 8 seconds?

1.067 miles

What is the average acceleration of a car that goes from rest to 60 mph in 8 seconds?

The car accelerates an average of 7.5 mph per second. It increases its speed 7.5 mph for every second that it accelerates. The car accelerated from zero to 60 mph in 8 seconds. If we wish to find out how fast it accelerated, we need to divide its acceleration (final speed minus initial speed) by the amount of time that it took to get going that fast. In this case, 60 divided by 8 equals the answer 7.5 mph/sec.

What is the acceleration if a car goes from 0-60 miles an hour?


What is the average acceleration of a Formula 1 race car?

An F1 car can reach up to 350kph during a race. 0-60 in 2-2.5 seconds.