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Dedicated Englishmen Causing Chaos Abroad Determined Englishmen Causing Chaos Abroad Destructive Englishmen Causing Chaos Abroad

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Q: What is the acronym of Decca as made by their employees?
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When was Decca Records created?

Decca Records was created in 1929.

When was Decca Broadway created?

Decca Broadway was created in 1999.

What does the acronym MEEMIC mean?

Michigan Educational Employees Mutual Insurance Company

When was The Decca Years - Kaipa album - created?

The Decca Years - Kaipa album - was created in 2005.

When was The Best of the Decca Years created?

The Best of the Decca Years was created on 1998-06-02.

What does the acronym AFECU stand for in an Equifax credit report?

Albany Federal Employees' Credit Union ?

What does the acronym OMERS stand for?

OMERS is short for Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System. It might be easier for many when writing articles about the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System to use the acronym "OMERS" as it would make writing the article far quicker.

What does the acronym USERRA stand for?

The acronym USERRA stands for Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act. The Act was created in the year 1994 to cover nearly all employees.

What does the acronym EEFI stand for?

It stands for the Essential Elements of Friendly Information or the Electricity Employees Federation of India

What does the acronym HIPO stand for?

The acronym HIPO stands for high potential in terms of employees of a business. A HIPO employee is someone who would be considered an asset to a business and deemed successful in a leadership position.

Is FEAR a acronym?

Fear is not a natural acronym, it was made into one by clever preachers. I do like the acronym though - False Evidence Appearing Real.

What is the limit of the coverage area of decca navigation system?

enumerate the sources of warning relating to warnimng malfunction of decca navigation system