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The additive inverse is +4

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Q: What is the additive inverses of -4?
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Related questions

Why 4 and negative 4 are additive inverses?

Because 4 + (-4) = (-4) + 4 = 0, the additive identity.

What is 4 and -4 called?


If a plus b equals 0 what can you say about the component?

That a and b are additive inverses of one another.

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What does the word inversely mean in math?

There are two main types of inverses. Additive inverses total zero. Any number and its negative are inverses. 3 and -3 are inverses. Multiplicative inverses total 1. 3/4 and 4/3 are inverses. 3/4 x 4/3 = 12/12 = 1 Most often, the word inversely in math means upside down.

What is the term for two integers which sum to zero?

Two integers which sum to zero (e.g. 3 and -3) are additive inverses of each other. All pairs of additive inverses sum to 0 and all pairs of integers which sum to 0 are additive inverses.

Does the set of rational numbers have an additive inverse?

No. It has a different additive inverses for each element.

What do you call -6 and 6 or 3 and -3?

They are pair of additive inverses or additive opposites.

What is the meaning of opposite in a mathematical term?

The answer depends on the context. There are opposite numbers that can be the additive inverses, or multiplicative inverses.

When is the sum of a positive integer and a negative integer 0?

When the two numbers are additive inverses, for example, 4 and -4. Actually that's how "additive inverse" is defined.

What is two number that are an equal distance from zero on the number line?

Additive inverses or additive opposites.