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To nutrient-poor environments..

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Q: What is the advantage to having a larger surface area to volume ratio?
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Does the diameter surface area and circumference affect the heat loss?

yes heat loss is affected by diameter, circumference and surface area. Heat loss depends on the surface area : volume ratio.......the larger this is the more heat is lost if a cylinder having the same volume but a different surface area...(therefre radius and circumference is different)........the cylinder having the larger surface area will loose heat fastest

How does a cell's ratio of surface area to volume change as the cell grows larger?

As a cell grows larger, its volume increases faster than its surface area, leading to a decrease in the surface area-to-volume ratio. This can limit the cell's ability to efficiently exchange materials with its environment, affecting its overall functioning.

Is true that small cells have larger surface area to volume rations than do larger cells?

Cell have a greater surface area to volume rations than a larger cell.

How does cell's ratio of surface area to volume change as the cell grows larger?

because it has the surface area of volume

What happens to surface area to volume ratios for larger and larger cubes?

They grow

Which one is better for moving more nutrients in and out the cell surface or more volume?

Having a larger surface area-to-volume ratio is better for moving more nutrients in and out of the cell. This is because a larger surface area allows for more interactions with the external environment, facilitating the exchange of nutrients and waste products.

As a cell becomes larger what happens to its surface area and volume?

The Volume increases faster than the Surface Area

Is the surface-area-to-volume ratio of a small cell less than that of a larger cell?

As a cell becomes larger the surface area to volume ratio gets smaller. The volume increases by the square of the surface area. That is the main reason that one celled organisms are small.

What happens to the surface area to volume ratio when folds are made in a cell's outer membrane?

The surface area to volume ratio increases when folds are made in a cell's outer membrane. This increase allows for more efficient exchange of materials with the surroundings because there is more surface area available for interactions.

How will surface area to volume ratios of a small cell compare to those of a large cell?

A small cell will have a larger surface-to-volume ratio.

Describe what happens to the surface area to volume ratio for larger and larger cubes?

For a cube with edge length, L. Surface area = 6L2. Volume = L3. So ratio of Surface Area / Volume = 6 / L. Therefore, as the side length, L, increases, the ratio will decrease.

As a cell gets larger its surface area to volume ratio?

... will decrease.