The average or mean is one measure of central tendency. There are several.
Mean, Median, and Mode
The popular two ones are the mean and median. Often mode is included in the list even though it is not a measure of central tendency.
The average or mean is one measure of central tendency. There are several.
The mean.
Mean, Median, and Mode
The popular two ones are the mean and median. Often mode is included in the list even though it is not a measure of central tendency.
The mean.
There is no universal best. The mode is sometimes mentioned as a measure of central tendency but it is not really one. For example, if studying rolls of a die, the mode has nothing whatsoever to do with central tendency. However, it is the only summary measure that makes sense when the observed variable is nominal or categoric. For example, if the data are about the colours of cars, the mean or median colour makes no sense. The mean and median have advantages over the other in different circumstances. The Central Limit Theorem and Normal approximation favour the mean but the unrestricted mean is vulnerable to outliers.
The answer is outlier