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A woman - Vrou

Housewife - Huisvrou (Huis = House, Vrou=woman)

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How many times does the word vow appear in the bible?

The word "vow" appears in the Bible approximately 155 times.

What kind of vow bound Samson?

Samson was bound by the Nazarite vow. For most people taking a Nazarite vow was voluntarily done for a period after which one can return to normal life, but for Samson it was a vow placed upon him from birth to the day of his death (Judges 13:5).The vow is described in Judges 13:5 and Numbers 6:1-21:Abstain from drinking wine or any alcoholic drinkNever cut the hair on one's headNot to become ritually impure by contact with a dead body

What is votive figure?

It is usually a religiuos offering, made in fulfilment of a vow.

What does 60 mean in the bible?

Very little as far as i can see. In Lev.27.3, a man between the age of 20 & 60 is worth 50 shekels for a vow, and a woman, 30 shekels. - (a shekel at present is about USD4.00) And in v. 7, a man above 60 is worth 15 shekels, and a woman 10 shekels Then Jesus refers to 60 in his parable of the sower in Mtt.13: 8. But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.

Christian divorce help?

The Bible says that divorce is wrong, since the couple made a vow (promise) to always be there for each other. But once the deed is done, it's done. God will always be there for the hurting and suffering and will ALWAYS forgive. Psalm 34:18 " The LORD is near to the brokenhearted, And saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 55:22 "Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken." Micah 7:18 "Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy."

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Can a woman take the Nazarite Vow?

In the Old Testament, in Numbers, chapter 6, verse 1, it says ...if a man or a woman wants to make a special vow, a vow of separation to the Lord as a Nazirite...

What is the name of the vow that doctors adhere to?

Hi there it is theHippocratic Oaththat doctors vow and it basicly means that they vow to do no harm

What was the name of Bhishma's vow?


What is the name of the special vow magicians make promising they will never reveal their secrets?

Magician's Vow

What is the name of the special vow magicians must make promising they will never reveal their secrets?

Magician's Vow

What is the name of the vow Samson took?

Samson took the Nazarite vow, which included abstaining from alcohol, not cutting his hair, and avoiding contact with dead bodies.

Could a father or husband nullify a woman's Nazarite Vow?

if its bigger than 6inch

What is the name of the special vow magicians must make promise must never reveal their secret?

Magician's Vow

What is an altar vow?

The term "altar vow" is not used in the Catholic Church, the only reference that I can find to it is a quote in a novel from a long time ago where "altar vow" is used to refer to the marriage vows that a man and a woman make before the altar.

What does the name Elissa mean?

It means "My God is a vow." My name is Elissa.

What is the name of the male actor in the vow?

channing tatum :)

What does the word 'Elise' means?

"Elise" is a French name of uncertain meaning, but it is often said to be a variant of the name Elizabeth. It is commonly used as a female given name.