Yes! It can be simplified to 1 over 17. If you divide the numerator and the denominator by 3, you will get 1 over 17.
17 over 7123 = 1/419 = 0.2387%
1 and 3/17
It can be expressed as a fraction, like as 17 over 1.
That is 1 and 14/17
1 over 17 is the same as 1/17th. You need to divide 1 by 17 and you get .058823529411
17 1/10
By mistake. 17/85 = 1/5
Yes! It can be simplified to 1 over 17. If you divide the numerator and the denominator by 3, you will get 1 over 17.
17 over 7123 = 1/419 = 0.2387%
17 / 3 / 2 or simply 17 over 6 = 17/6
51 over 17 = 3/1 or 3
It can be expressed as a fraction, like as 17 over 1.
1 and 3/17