As soon as you introduce fractions (even division by 1), the concept of "next" can no longer apply. There are infinitely many rational numbers between any two numbers. So between any number an a potential "next" number, there are infinitely many numbers.
Yes! It can be simplified to 1 over 17. If you divide the numerator and the denominator by 3, you will get 1 over 17.
17 over 7123 = 1/419 = 0.2387%
1 and 3/17
It can be expressed as a fraction, like as 17 over 1.
That is 1 and 14/17
1 over 17 is the same as 1/17th. You need to divide 1 by 17 and you get .058823529411
17 1/10
By mistake. 17/85 = 1/5
Yes! It can be simplified to 1 over 17. If you divide the numerator and the denominator by 3, you will get 1 over 17.
17 over 7123 = 1/419 = 0.2387%
17 / 3 / 2 or simply 17 over 6 = 17/6
51 over 17 = 3/1 or 3
It can be expressed as a fraction, like as 17 over 1.
1 and 3/17