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Q: What is the age a kid gets braces?
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What is the age when a kid gets braces?

The usual age is 13.

Tell you the age when a child gets braces?


What gets put on after braces?


What is the age for people to get braces?

Anyone can be a candidate for braces at just about any age. Braces are most common on adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 because this is the earliest age they can be put on. Adults can also get braces and clear braces, like Invisalign are more common for adults.

Can kids at the age of thirteen use lingual braces?

any age can have braces startimg at n10 i think

When do you get braces?

You get your BRACES when all your teeth fall out at about age 12 to 14.

How old do you have to be to get invisable braces?

u can get invisible braces at any age though sometimes it is not as affective as regular braces

Can you get braces if you are 43 years old?

Yes anyone can get braces at any age!

What goes up but dosent come down?

a kid who gets thrown by his bro and gets stuck on the rook by only his shirt! ha

How old can kids get brasces?

Do you mean braces? well if you do. No worry you can have braces when your 25 braces are at no age range because one of my family members is 25 and he has braces.

Did Denzel Washington have braces?

no, at the age of 12, he was told his teeth were too straight for braces.

When is the best age to get braces?

4-7 grade. You want to have braces before high school.