That's a model number, not a serial number. These guns did not bear serial numbers. The Stevens 38A was made in the 1940's. Value is typically around $100 in excellent condition.
$50-$125 depending on condition.
AnswerNeed more information, such as model number and condition. Stevens made several types of .410 shotgun. sales@countrygunsmith.netMY SHOTGUN IS A PUMP WESTPOINT MODEL 167 STEVENS ARMS WESTFIELD MASS VERY GOOD CONDITION
I'm pretty sure if you lay it side by side with a Stevens 5000, 5100, and 311 you'll find it is identical to one of them. Useable Stevens doubles sell for $150 to $200 and some people will pay as much as twice that for the 410s.
The answer depends on the value of A.
Where is serial number on stevens 311c 410?
The J Stevens Model 38A 410 lever action is valued at?æthree hundred and seventy five dollars and?æthe bore is in a good shape.
value of stevens 410 58b
Do a google search for "e-gunparts", they will have most parts.
I would try Numrich gun parts corp.They may be found on the web.
The Stevens model 944 was made from 1936-1942.
, I don't believe so, because the mag has a stop pin that prevents the mag from locking closed. But I do have a buyer for the 38a repeating mag if you can not use it. I can be reached a
The 1913 Stevens .410 singleshot is worth from about $75 to $150, depending on condition.
No way of knowing without a serial number /model number to identify what type of .410 gauge stevens you have.