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The algebraic sum of the charges in a compound is zero. Each atom contributes either a negative or a positive charge to form the compound when they react with each other.

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Q: What is the algebraic sum of the charges in a compound?
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What is the sum of all charges in the formula for an ionic compound?

The sum of all charges in the formula for an ionic compound must be zero. This is because the compound is made up of positively and negatively charged ions that combine in such a way that the overall charge is neutral.

What is the sum of all charges in a formula for an ionic compound?

The sum of all charges in a formula for an ionic compound must equal zero. This is because the compound is neutral overall, so the total positive charges from the cations must balance out the total negative charges from the anions.

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In a neutral compound, the sum of charges of all cations and anions will be zero. This is because cations have a positive charge and anions have a negative charge, and in a neutral compound, these charges will balance out.

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The sum of the oxidation numbers in a neutral compound is always zero. This is because the total positive charges from the oxidation numbers of the elements must balance out the total negative charges for a compound to be neutral.

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The magnitude of the vector sum will only equal the magnitude of algebraic sum, when the vectors are pointing in the same direction.

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Additivity of charges refers to the principle that the total charge of a system is the sum of the individual charges within that system. This means that if you have multiple charges in a system, you can find the total charge by adding up all the individual charges present. Mathematically, it can be represented as Q_total = Q_1 + Q_2 + ... + Q_n, where Q_total is the total charge and Q_1, Q_2, ... Q_n are the individual charges.

What is the sume of positive and negative charges in an ionic compound?

The sum of positive and negative charges in an ionic compound is zero. This is because the compound is formed by the attraction between positively charged cations and negatively charged anions, resulting in a neutral overall charge.

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The compound aluminum iodide is represented by AlI3, which is a chemical combination of one aluminum atom and three iodine atoms. It is a white, water-soluble salt commonly used in organic synthesis reactions.

What is the algebraic sum of the ions charge?

This sum is zero, neutral.

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