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Q: What is the amount of energy received on earth surface when the angle of insolation is 90 degrees?
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What is the term for solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface?

The term for solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface is "insolation." Insolation is the amount of solar radiation received per unit area at the surface of the Earth.

Intercepted solar radiation is called?

Intercepted solar radiation is known as insolation. It refers to the amount of solar energy that is received by a surface or area.

What is insolators?

Insolation is a measurement of the solar radiation received by a surface over a unit time. It is an abbreviation for "incoming solar radiation."the amount of sunlight that reaches a planet.

What is the definition for intensity of insolation?

Intensity of insolation refers to the amount of solar energy received per unit area at a given location and time. It is typically measured in watts per square meter. Factors such as angle of incidence, atmospheric conditions, and time of day can affect the intensity of insolation.

What function provides insolation?

The function that provides insolation is solar radiation, specifically solar energy received by the Earth's surface. Insolation is the amount of solar radiation reaching a specific area over a given time period. It is an essential factor in understanding climate and ecosystems.

What is insolation temperature Lag?

Insolation refers to the amount of solar radiation received on a particular surface. Insolation temperature lag refers to the delay between the peak solar radiation and the peak temperature on a surface, as heat absorption and release processes take time to reach equilibrium. This lag can vary depending on factors like the material of the surface and its thermal properties.

Which letter represents the surface that most likely absorbs the greatest amount of insolation?

The surface that most likely absorbs the greatest amount of insolation is letter D, which represents a vertical surface facing the Sun. This orientation allows the surface to directly receive the Sun's rays, maximizing the amount of solar radiation absorbed.

How does insolation change with increasing latitude?

Insolation, or the amount of solar radiation received, decreases as latitude increases. This is because at higher latitudes, the angle at which sunlight reaches the Earth's surface becomes more oblique, leading to greater scattering and absorption of sunlight in the atmosphere. Additionally, the length of daylight hours also varies with latitude, impacting the total insolation received at different latitudes.

Which change would cause a decrease in the amount of insolation absorbed at Earths surface?

An increase in cloud cover or an increase in atmospheric particulates like aerosols would lead to a decrease in the amount of insolation absorbed at Earth's surface by reflecting more sunlight back to space before it can reach the surface.

What is the difference between radiation and insolation?

Radiation refers to the emission of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves or particles. Insolation specifically refers to the amount of solar radiation received by a specific area, typically measured over a given period of time. In essence, insolation is a subset of radiation, focusing solely on solar energy reaching the Earth's surface.

How do aerosol particles affect insolation?

Aerosol particles can scatter or absorb incoming solar radiation, reducing the amount of sunlight that reaches the Earth's surface. This can lead to a cooling effect on the climate by diminishing the amount of energy available for heating the Earth's surface. Additionally, aerosols can influence cloud formation and properties, which further impacts insolation by modifying cloud albedo and optical properties.

Duration of insolation?

Insolation refers to the amount of solar radiation that reaches a given area. The duration of insolation varies throughout the day, with maximum exposure typically occurring around midday when the sun is highest in the sky. Factors such as time of year, latitude, and cloud cover can also affect the duration of insolation.