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Q: What is the amount of increase divided by the original amount called?
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What type of percent that compares the final and original amounts?

The type of percent that compares the final and original amounts is called the percentage increase or decrease. It is calculated by dividing the difference between the final amount and the original amount by the original amount, and then multiplying by 100.

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the amount of an original investment is called

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The original amount of the loan is called principal.

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kze gWapo aQo

The amount of money you borrowed is called the what?

The original amount of money borrowed is known as the principal.

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coefficientThe amount of friction divided by the weight of an object forms a dimensionless number called the coefficient of friction.

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The remainder.

What is the amount left over when a number cannot be divided evenly?

It is called "the remainder"

The percent of change found when the original amount decreases is called the percent of?

percent of decrease

Is the change of an objects velocity divided by the amount of time required for change to occur?

That is called acceleration.

What is this called during these moon phases the amount of the lighted side that can be seen begins to increase?

The phase you are referring to is called "waxing," where the amount of the lighted side of the moon that can be seen increases as the moon moves from new moon to full moon.