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Q: What is the amount of light thst illuminates a given surface area is called what?
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What is the rate at which light illuminates a given surface area?

3x10^8 m/s

What is a force that relates to the amount of force put on a given surface called?

The force that relates to the amount of force put on a given surface is called pressure. It is calculated by dividing the force applied to an object by the area over which the force is applied.

What is a force that relates to the amount of force put on a given surface area called?


The amount of matter ina given volume of space is called?

The amount of matter in a given volume of space is called density.

What is the force that relates to the amount of force put on a given surfae?

The force that relates to the amount of force put on a given surface is called pressure. It is defined as the force applied perpendicular to a surface per unit area over which the force is distributed. Mathematically, pressure is calculated as force divided by the area over which the force is distributed.

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The energy required to increase the surface area of a liquid by a given amount is known as surface energy or surface tension. This energy is a result of the cohesive forces between the liquid molecules at the surface and is dependent on factors such as the type of liquid and the area increase.

The quantity that describes the amount of matter in a given space is called?

Density is the amount of matter in a given space.

What is a force that relates to the amount of force put on a given surface area?


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The Amount Of Force

The amount of shaking produced by an earthquake at a given location is called?

The amount of shaking produced by an earthquake at a given location is called "intensity".

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