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42 degrees

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Q: What is the angle a ray of light arrives at?
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What is the angle of incidence when a ray of light falls on spherical mirror from its centre of curvature?

That ray of light is just a radius of the sphere. It's perpendicular to the sphere everywhere, so the angle of incidence is zero ... the ray of light arrives along the normal to the mirror at any point.

What is the angle a ray arrives at?

42 degrees

What is the angle a ray arrives at called?


The angle a ray arrives at?

it is 42 degrees

What will be the reason - a plane mirror has an angle of incidence O degree?

The light ray arrives perpendicular to the plane of the mirror.

What is an angle at which a beam of light arrives at a surface?

It is the angle of incidence.

When a light ray is reflected by a mirror is the angle of the light ray and the reflected ray different or the same?

Angle of Incidence = Angle of ReflectionThis is only true if the angle of incidence is greaterthan the critical angle.

A ray of light strikes a flat surface of water The angle that the incoming light ray makes with the normal is called the angle of?

The angle that the incoming light ray makes with the normal is called the angle of incidence.

What is the angle of the incoming light ray is equal the angle of the reflected light ray?

When the angle of the incoming light ray is equal to the angle of the reflected light ray, it is known as the angle of incidence being equal to the angle of reflection. This is based on the law of reflection, which states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection when light is reflected off a surface.

What is the angle of the light's ray and reflected ray?

The angle of incidence is the angle between the incident light ray and the normal (perpendicular line) to the surface, while the angle of reflection is the angle between the reflected light ray and the normal. According to the law of reflection, these two angles are equal.

As a ray of light passes from air into glass the angle it makes with the surface normal will?

Decrease if the light is entering the glass at an angle greater than the critical angle, and increase if the light is entering the glass at an angle less than the critical angle. The angle the ray makes with the surface normal is known as the angle of refraction.

What is angle of incidence of light?

The angle of incidence of light is the angle between the incoming light ray and the normal (a line perpendicular to the surface) of the medium the light is traveling through. It is measured from the normal to the incident ray.