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Q: What is the angle between the two hands of a clock when the time is 9hour's 20 minutes?
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If a clock sHow is 3 hours 45 minutes what is the acute angle between the hands in the clock?

At 3 hours 45 minutes there is not an acute angle between the hands of the clock (unless you extend the hands backwards).

What is the angle between the two hands of a clock when the time is 2 hours and 30 minutes?

The angle - is 120 degrees !

What is the angle between two hands of a clock when the time is 12 hours and 15 minutes?

Right Angle or 900

What is the angle between the two hands of a clock when the time is 3 hours 40 minutes?

It creates a 150o angle at 3:40

Classify the angle between the hand of a clock at 6pm?

There is no angle "between" one hand of a clock.

What is the angle of the hands of a clock at 7.35?

Angle between the hands of a clock=|11M-60H|/2i.e. M-Minutes=35(here)H- Hours=7(here)∴ The angle b/w hands of a clock=|11*35-60*7|/2=17.5°

What is the measure of the angle between the clock hands at 8 o clock?

It is a obtuse angle.

Can you show me a 25 degree angle?

With the graphic facilities available on this site, I do not stand a chance! However, if you look at an analogue clock, a 25 degree angle is one between 12 (at the top of the clock) and 81/3 minutes.

What is the angle if the hour is 12 clock?

The answer depends on the angle between WHAT and WHAT!

What is the angle between the two hands of a clock when the time is 12 hours 30 minutes?

15 + 5 x 30 ie 165o

What is the angle between the hands of a clock at 4 o'clock?

Every five minutes is 30 degrees. 4 o'clock is 120 degrees.120 degrees.

What is the angle between 5 and 8 on a clock face?

There are two angles between 5 and 8 on a clock face. The smaller (right) angle is 90 degrees. The larger (reflex) angle is 270 degrees.