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Q: What is the angle of a clock when the hands read 1 o'clock?
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What type of of angle would be formed if the hands on a clock read 1230?

At 12:30 the hour hand would be halfway between 12 and 1. So on the right hand side there would be an obtuse angle (165 degreees) whereas on the left there would be a reflex angle (195 degrees).

What type of angle would be formed if the hands on a clock read 1 o'clock?

The answer is 30 degrees because a circle has 360 degrees and if you divide that by 12: 360:12=30 so your answers is 30 degrees

How soon after two o'clock will the hands of a clock form a 40 degrees angle for the first time?

At two o'clock the hands will form 60 degrees so use a protractor and set the hands at 40 degrees to read out the time which should be nearly two minutes after two because one minute is equals 6 degrees.

Why addvertise of the clock generally set time is 10.10?

The hands are in a position where you can read the brand name on the face.

What is the difference between analog and digital watches?

Analog clock shows time passing by moving hands continuously. In contrast, digital clock shows the time numerically. By analog clock you can tell the time between graduations to some extent by the location of the hands because the hands move continuously. But by digital clock, you can not read other than the information shown. If it shows seconds as well, you can tell more precisely

Can you write a sentence using the word digital nce using the word digital?

I have a digital clock; I find it easier to read than analog clocks with hands and regularly spaced numbers.

Is there a clock that a person with poor eyesight can read?

A digital clock with a large display.

How do you set your alarm clock?

read the diractons

How people read clock time?

People read it by learning time to time

How can one teach their child how to read an analog clock?

The best way to teach a child to read an analogue clock is to begin with reading books that illustrate and teach the concept of time. After a child has a grasp of the concept of time, worksheets can help teach a child to read an analogue clock.

How do you set the clock in a 1997 Lincoln mark 8?

press the 'clock' button and follow instructions on the read out

C program to find the angle between the needles of a clock?

minute_deg = minute * 360 / 60 = minute * 6;The hour hand will make a complete revolution every hour, so its formula is:hour_deg = hour * 360 / 12 = hour * 30;A function to find the angle would be:int angleBetweenHands(int hour, int minute){if(hour > 12) // In case of 24 hour clockhour -= 12;int angle = hour * 30 - minute * 6;if(angle > 180)angle = 360 - angle;return(angle);}Read more: C_code_to_find_angle_between_hour_hand_and_minute_hand