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1) Where at in Florida? Florida is a long state, and that will account for a large difference in the sun angle. 2) What day and time are you talking about? The sun angle varies from season to season, day to day, and minute to minute.

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Q: What is the angle of the sun in Florida?
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The angle of the sun's rays duriing in spring is the same as the sun's rays in fall during in Florida

What the angle of the sun's rays are like during the fall in Florida?

During the fall the sun will be at the same angles as experienced during the spring.

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If I am interpreting the question correctly, they fall more directly on Florida. If you imagine sun rays as arrows pointing directly from the sun to the earth, when they hit Ontario, they are at an angle because earth is a sphere. They hit florida more directly because florida lies closer to the equator, which is more perpendicular to the sun.

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Because FL. is closer to the equator and receives sun at a more direct angle. Because FL. is closer to the equator and receives sun at a more direct angle.

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The angle between the sun's position in the sky and the horizon is called the altitude of the sun. It is the measurement from the horizon to the center of the sun's disk. This angle changes throughout the day as the sun moves across the sky.

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The angle the sun's rays hit a given surface on Earth.And the angle is measured from the horizon up to the position of the sun

Is Florida or New Hampshire closer to the equator?

Depending on the time of year, the earth is anywhere from roughly 147 million to 152 million km from the sun. That variance of roughly 5 million km alone dwarfs any tiny difference in the distances from the sun to New York or Florida. But technically, Florida is to an extremely tiny and meaningless degree closer to the sun... during the day. But if you consider absolute distance, disregarding the fact that at night the body of the earth is between the eastern US and the sun, then the distances average out over a year. If Florida is closer to the sun during the day, it is farther from the sun at night. It is not the closeness of the sun that makes the seasons or different earth locations warmer or cooler; it is the angle at which the sun's rays hit.

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It is the angle at which the sun's rays hit the earth

Where does the sun rise in the northern hemisphere in January in Florida?

In January, in the northern hemisphere, including Florida, the sun rises in the southeast and sets in the southwest. Due to Florida's location, the angle at which the sun rises and sets might vary slightly, but generally, it will rise more towards the east.

How did Captain Ahab check the angle of the sun?

Captain Ahab checked the angle of the sun by using a navigational instrument called a quadrant. This tool allowed him to measure the angle of the sun above the horizon and determine the ship's position.

How long is the shadow for the 74ft pole?

It depends on the angle of the sun. If the sun is at 90 degrees, immediately overhead, then the length of the shadow is 0. What is the angle of the sun?