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If the reference point and an object are both on the horizon then the angular distance to the object, relative to the reference point is simply the angle formed between the two rays from the observer to object and to the reference point. If either the object or reference point (or both) are not in the plane of the horizon then the appropriate rays are the projections of the rays from the observer onto the plane containing the horizon.

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Q: What is the angular distance around the horizon from some reference point?
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Does angular speed depend on distance?

No, angular speed does not depend on distance. Angular speed is the rate at which an object rotates around a specific point, typically measured in radians per second or degrees per second. Distance is not a factor in determining angular speed.

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Orbital velocity is the velocity at which an object orbits around a larger body, such as a planet or star, while angular velocity is the rate at which an object rotates around its own axis. Orbital velocity is specific to objects in orbit, while angular velocity is a measure of rotational speed.

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The formula for angular momentum is L = r x p, where L is the angular momentum, r is the distance vector from the axis of rotation to the point of interest, and p is the linear momentum. This formula describes the rotational motion of an object around a fixed axis.

Distance around the horizon of a star?

It depends on the star some star sizes are bigger and some are smaller. the sun is 2,713,406 miles around. the sun is a average star.

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How will a constellation move across the sky if you are standing at the north pole?

They will move horizontally, always maintaining the same distance from the horizon.

Relation between angular velocity and linear velocity?

Angular velocity is the rate of change of an object's angular position with respect to time, while linear velocity is the rate of change of an object's linear position with respect to time. The relationship between angular velocity and linear velocity depends on the distance of the object from the axis of rotation. For an object rotating around a fixed axis, the linear velocity is equal to the angular velocity multiplied by the radius of the rotation.

The earths angular momentum when it is nearest to the sun is greater then when it is farthest from the sun?

This statement is incorrect. Earth's angular momentum remains constant throughout its orbit around the Sun. Although Earth moves faster when it is closer to the Sun due to Kepler's second law of planetary motion, this is balanced by its greater distance from the Sun when it is farthest, resulting in a constant angular momentum.

What distance are lines of longitude used to know?

None. The distances between the lines of longitude are a meaningless concept. These lines measure angular distance around the world around the equator. Each degree of longitude is approx 111 km at the equator and 0 km at the poles.

Which quantity remain constant in planetary motion as seen from sun?

The angular momentum of a planet remains constant in its motion around the sun. This is due to the conservation of angular momentum, which dictates that the product of the planet's mass, velocity, and distance from the sun remains the same as the planet orbits.