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Q: What is the answer.At the weekend you walked 2.5km. Dad walked 200m further than you. How far did he walk show working out?
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What part of speech further?

Further is an adverb.More completely, it is the comparative of the adverb far. Examples:Did you walk far? [far is an adverb]We walked further than ever before. [further (or farther) is the comparative of far]

What part of speech is further?

Further is an adverb.More completely, it is the comparative of the adverb far. Examples:Did you walk far? [far is an adverb]We walked further than ever before. [further (or farther) is the comparative of far]

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I guess it depends on how large the steps are. For example, the larger the distance between each step, the further you will go.

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You walked 4.2 miles how many calories did you burn?

It depends on what your lean body mass is (i.e. how much muscle you have -- this is what 'burns' the fat) and what your pace is (how hard your heart was working).

Did jesus come back from the dead or did he just get a weekend pass?

Yes, Jesus died and came back from the dead! Read in the Bible, Mathew 27 & 28. There was great care taken to be sure he was really dead because he had said that he would rise again. That is why there were guards at the tomb. They didn't want his body stolen by his followers. However, he did rise again and walked on the earth 40 days with many witnesses Acts 1:3. if you really think about it, he really dd just come back for three days, like our weekend: fri sat sun. so in all actuality, all he did was ask if he could stay the weekend.

What did North Wales quarrymen do in their spare time?

In the earliest time there was little if any spare time. When the quarry working day was done men walked home and worked on their small holdings.

How do you use 'beyond' in a sentence?

"Beyond" can be used to indicate something that is further than a specified point or limit. For example, "She walked beyond the boundary of the park" or "His success went beyond his wildest dreams."

How do you use toward?

"Toward" is a preposition used to indicate direction or movement in a particular direction. It can also show a deadline or goal. For example: "She walked toward the store" or "We are working toward a solution."

Why did Alice walk out the mouse hole?

Alice walked out the mouse hole because she followed the White Rabbit and found herself in Wonderland, a place with magical and strange happenings. She was curious about the world she discovered and eager to explore it further.