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Q: What is the answer 7x 6 equals 4x 12?
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What is the answer to 4x plus y equals 9 and 7x-8y equals 6?

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The answer to the math problem of 5x plus 7x-4x 6 is -12.

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Presumably this is an equation in which the value of x is to be found. 7x+8 = 4x-10 7x-4x = -10-8 3x = -18 x = -6

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(2, 1)

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You solve it like this: 7x=4x-6 (subtract 4x from both sides) 3x=-6 (divide both sides by 3) x=-2

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4x + 6 = -82 - 7X add 7X to each side 4X + 7X + 6 = -82 -7X + 7X 11X + 6 = -82 subtract 6 from each side 11X + 6 - 6 = -82 - 6 11X = -88 divide both sides by 11 X = -8 check in original equation 4(-8) + 6 = -82 - 7(-8) -32 + 6 = -82 + 56 -26 = -26 checks

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What is -3x plus 2 equals -7x-22?

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