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Q: What is the answer for page 55 surface area of triangular prisms and square pyramids?
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What are the differences of rectangular prisms and square pyramids?

One difference is square pyramids have 4 triangular faces while rectangular prisms have none!

What are facts about the difference between a pyramid and a triangular prism?

Pyramids only have square bases.Triangular prisms have triangle bases.Pyramids have triangle "faces".Triangular prisms have rectangular "faces".

Which polyhedrons have the samenumber of faces?

Triangular prisms and square-based pyramids have 5 faces. Trapezoid prisms and cubes have 6 faces. Hexagonal prisms and octahedrons have 8 faces.

What are the four types of prisms?

There are Rectangular, Triangular, Pentagonal, and Square Prisms.

How will you name different prisms and pyramids?

Most of the common ones have already been named, so I will not be naming any. Prisms and pyramids are named according to the 2-dimensional shape of their base(s). For example, triangular prism or square based pyramid.

Can two triangular prisms make a square prism?

Yes they can.

Does 2 triangular prisms make a square prism?

It makes a sphere

Why are the Egyptian pyramids triangular in shape?

The pyramids of Egypt were built in a triangular shape to represent a mound. The shape was a representation of the Egyptian belief that the Earth came from a mound. Note that while the pyramids are triangular from the side, they actually occupy a square footprint (i.e. square pyramids). This was in order to align the pyramids with the cardinal directions.

What terms describe a pyramid?

The shape of its base. So you can get triangular pyramids, square pyramids and so on.

What geometric shape makes these structures pyramids?

Pyramids are constructed from triangular shapes and can have square or triangle bases

How are cubes square prisms and square pyramids different?

Cubes are prisms that have squares as bases and the height is the same as the edges. A square prism has square bases, top and bottom, and parallelograms as sides. A square pyramid has a square base and triangles for the vertical sides.

Are the pyramids of Giza square pyramids?

A pyramid is not a square, but it has a square base formed by four triangular sides. Pyramids like the ones at Giza in Egypt are five-sided geometric shapes (pentahedrons).