-- If rounding to the nearest 300, then 749 is. -- If rounding to the nearest 200, then 699 is. -- If rounding to the nearest 150, then 674 is. -- If rounding to the nearest hundred, then 649 is. -- If rounding to the nearest twenty, then 609 is. -- If rounding to the nearest ten, then 604 is.
The rounded off number of 1.875 depends on the level of precision required. If rounding to the nearest whole number, the rounded off number of 1.875 is 2. If rounding to the nearest tenth, the rounded off number is 1.9.
You can round off to any values such as the nearest odd number or the nearest tens or hundreds etc.
To the nearest whole number it would be 10. It would be 10.4 if rounding to the nearest tenth.
-- If you're rounding to the nearest 100, then it's 750 . -- If you're rounding to the nearest 50, then it's 775 . -- If you're rounding to the nearest 20, then it's 790 . -- If you're rounding to the nearest 10, then it's 795 . -- If you're rounding to the nearest 5, then it's 798 .
Im not sure actually. But rounding to the nearest number means its easier probably.
If you are rounding to the nearest whole number you can.
-- If rounding to the nearest 300, then 749 is. -- If rounding to the nearest 200, then 699 is. -- If rounding to the nearest 150, then 674 is. -- If rounding to the nearest hundred, then 649 is. -- If rounding to the nearest twenty, then 609 is. -- If rounding to the nearest ten, then 604 is.
In whole numbers, rounding to the nearest ten is better. And in decimals, rounding to the nearest hundreth is more accurate.
The rounded off number of 1.875 depends on the level of precision required. If rounding to the nearest whole number, the rounded off number of 1.875 is 2. If rounding to the nearest tenth, the rounded off number is 1.9.
When rounding off a number to the nearest whole number, you look at the decimal place immediately to the right of the whole number. In this case, 60.8 has a decimal place value of 0.8, which is greater than or equal to 0.5. Therefore, when rounding 60.8 to the nearest whole number, it would round up to 61.
You can round off to any values such as the nearest odd number or the nearest tens or hundreds etc.
To the nearest whole number it would be 10. It would be 10.4 if rounding to the nearest tenth.
-- If you're rounding to the nearest 100, then it's 750 . -- If you're rounding to the nearest 50, then it's 775 . -- If you're rounding to the nearest 20, then it's 790 . -- If you're rounding to the nearest 10, then it's 795 . -- If you're rounding to the nearest 5, then it's 798 .
55 and 65 if rounding to the nearest 10. 59.5 and 60.5 is to the nearest unit.
The answer depends on the extent of rounding. It can be 13499, to the nearest 9000 or 9002 to the nearest 5..