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19*25/5 = 19*5 = 95

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Q: What is the answer in divide the product of 19 and 25 by 5?
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What is the answer to -4 divide 25 plus 19 divide 25?

-4/25 + 19/25 = 15/25 = 3/5

What is two fifths of 25 and how do you get the answer?

divide 25 by 5 then multiply the product by 2=10

What is a fifth of 25?

5, just divide 25 by 5.

What can you divide 25 by?

1, 5, 25.

What fraction is equivalent to 20 over 25?

divide 20 by 5 = 4 divide 25 also by 5 = 5 4/5

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25 divide by 5=5 40 divide by 5 =8 5 over 8 is your answer

25 divide 5 - 4 25 in parentheses?

25 divided by (5 - 4) = 25

What is the simplest form 15 over 25?

divide both numbers by their common factor (5). 15 divide by 5 is 3 25 divide by 5 is 5 So...... 3 over 5

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Divide both by 25 so 125/625 = 5/25 then divide both by 5 so 5/25 = 1/5

I am a two-digit number divisible by 5 and the product of my digits is 25 what is the answer?

25 can be either the product of 1 and 25, or the product of 5 and 5. Since there are two digits in the number, the answer can only be 55. This makes sense, since 55 is divisible by 5, and the product of 5 and 5 is 25.

What numbers can you divide into 25?

1, 5, 25.

Solve by substitution method 15x-20y7 5y-3 10x?

15x - 20y = 7 5y - 3 = 10x Let's solve the second equation for y. 5y - 3 = 10x add 3 to both sides; 5y = 10x + 3 divide by 5 to both sides; y = 2x + 3/5 Substitute the expression 2x + 3/5 for y to the first equation. 15x - 20y = 7 15x - 20(2x + 3/5) = 7 multiply by 20 each term of the parentheses; 15x -40x - 60/5 = 7 - 25x - 12 = 7 add 12 to both sides; -25x = 19 multiply by -1 to both sides; 25x = -19 divide by 25 to both sides; x = -19/25 Substitute -19/25 for x to y = 2x + 3/5 y = 2x + 3/5 y = 2(-19/25) + 3/5 y = -38/25 + 3/5 multiply 3/5 by 5/5; y = -38/25 + 15/25 y =-23/25 The solution set is (-19/25, -23/25) Check: 1. 15 x - 20y = 7 15(-19/25) - 20(-23/25) = 7? -285/25 + 460/25 = 7 ? 175/25 = 7 ? 7 = 7 2. 5y - 3 = 10x 5(-23/25) - 3 = 10(-19/25) ? -115/25 - 3 = -190/25 ? -115/25 - 3(25/25) = -190/25 ? -115/25 - 75/25 = -190/25 ? -190/25 = -190 / 25 or, -38/5 = -38/5 The solution set is (1/5, 1)