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Q: What is the answer in multiplication known as?
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What is the result of multiplication?

The result of a multiplication problem is called a product.

What is known as the identity element for multiplication?


How do you use known multiplication facts to solve or break up unknown multiplication facts?

each side is multiplied together.

How is multiplication defined in arithmetic?

Multiplication is a magnified increase in quantity by adding one quantity by itself a specified number of times. It is indicated by the times symbol (*). The result of multiplication is known as the product.

What is an operation also known as times?

It is multiplication which means multiply or times

Who invented the multiplication tabels?

While the multiplication tables are sometimes attributed to Pythagoras the oldest known multiplication tables were used by the Babylonians about 4000 years ago. These used a base of 60. The oldest known tables using a base of 10 are the Chinese decimal multiplication tables on bamboo strips dating to about 305 BC, during China's Warring States period.

What is the inverse operation of multiplication?

The inverse operation of multiplication is commonly known as division.Of course we must remember that we cannot divide by 0.Division.

What is matrix multiplication about?

Matrix multiplication typically refers to an operation which yields a new matrix from a pair of matrices which are already known. This is normally covered in an Algebra class or textbook.

What is the name of the group of addition multiplication subtraction and division?

These are collectively known as arithmetic operations.

What is the name of that thing you multiply by?

multiplier The glyph (an element in writing) is known as the "Multiplication Sign".

Write the rule about number order in multiplication?

Number order in multiplication does not matter, this is known as the associative property. So this means (1*2)*3 = 1*(2*3)

What is a multiplicative especially as it relates to a multiplicative inverse?

Multiplicative means pertaing or related to the mathematical opration known as multiplication.