To multiply four fifths (4/5) by 71, you can first convert 71 to a fraction by writing it as 71/1. Then, multiply the numerators (4 * 71 = 284) and multiply the denominators (5 * 1 = 5). This gives you a result of 284/5, which can be simplified to 56 4/5.
71 ÷ 12 = 5 with remainder 11
Yes, it is. 71 X 5 = 355.
5 multiplied by 71 is 355.
To multiply four fifths (4/5) by 71, you can first convert 71 to a fraction by writing it as 71/1. Then, multiply the numerators (4 * 71 = 284) and multiply the denominators (5 * 1 = 5). This gives you a result of 284/5, which can be simplified to 56 4/5.
14.2 is a number. As a fraction, it is 71/5. The units - lbs - has nothing to do with the question. 14.2 miles are 71/5 miles, 14.2 grams are 71/5 grams, 14.2 days are 71/5 days!
It is (5*71) = 355 and (4*71) = 284
71 ÷ 12 = 5 with remainder 11
71 ÷ 6 = 11 with remainder 5 OR 11.833 times.
Chiquititas - 1995 5-71 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:Atp
If you mean: 71/2191000 then it is 3.240529439*10^-5