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Q: What is the answer of 1315171921 using roster method set builder notation?
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Related questions

What are the three ways to describe a set of numbers?

The first one is roster method or listing method. The second one is verbal description method and the third one is set builder notation.

What are the two ways of describing set in mathematics with examples?

Roster method and set-builder notation. Example of Roster Method {a, b, c} {1, 2, 3} {2, 4, 6, 8, 10...} Example of Set-builder Notation: {x/x is a real number} {x/x is a letter from the English alphabet} {x/x is a multiple of 2}

What are the two ways in describing sets?

The Description Form, Roster Form, and The Set-Builder Notation Form.

What are the three ways a set can be written?

(1) description (2) roster form (3) set-builder notation

How do you write G is the set of odd natural numbers that are less than 18 in roster form in set builder notation?

x/x g < 18

What is roster method?

roster method is just like listing method

What are the difference between roster method and rule method?

what is the difference between roster method and rule method

What are the examples of roster method in algebra?

The roster method represents a set of something. In algebra, the roster method is used to describe a simpler set that is difficult to describe.

What are the methods in describing sets?

roster,rule and set-builder

What is roster notation method?

This is a method describing a set by listing each element of the set inside the symbol {}. In listing the elements of the set, each distinct element is listed once and the order of the elements does not matter.

How do you do roster method?

Write the elements of the set in a roster form.

How do you do a roster method?

Write the elements of the set in a roster form.