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If by "answer" you mean the value of a, then there are two answers: 4 - 2√3, and 4 + 2√3. If you mean that it should be factored, there are two ways to think about it:

  1. Set the whole thing equal to 0 by subtracting 12. Then you get an irreducible quadratic, i.e. one that does not factor.
  2. Factor only the left side, and consider each part individually. The left side of this equation factors as (a - 4)2.
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Q: What is the answer of a square minus 8a plus sixteen equals 12?
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Quadratic formula gives roots as 1.53 and 10.47 (to nearest hundredth.)

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Factor it. (x - 8)(x - 2) x = 2, 8

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